Battery powered aerial vehicles are range limited, have a low payload fraction, and reduced operational efficiency due to charge time. Our H2 fuel cell aviation electric propulsion system can provide the same range as hydrocarbon combustion engines.
We are developing a modular Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Plant for General Aviation, Urban Air Mobility and Vertical Lift platforms. Our unique design addresses PEM thermal management, durability, and cost for the aircraft owner/operator.
We are powered by green H2 made from water and solar energy. The impact of switching global air travel to hydrogen power will be > 50 billion tons reduction of CO2 by 2050 if the market is fully adapted to our proposed technology.
Electric Aviation with Regional Range and No Charging of Batteries.
Type: Single Engine Aircraft Retrofit
Certification: Experimental R&D
Range: >500 km
Cruising Speed: 200 kph
Aircraft Type: Single Engine Land
Mission: Regional Air-Taxi / UAM
Pilot: Commercial SEL
Flight Control: 2 Axis Auto Pilot
Powerplant: Hydroplane H2 Fuel Cell Electric Propulsion System
Multiple Highly Selective, Revenue Generating, US Government Small Business Innovation Research Contracts
US Air Force Agility Prime Program
US Marine Corps Contested Logistics Program
Army Modernization with Disruptive Technologies xTech Program
Winner of US Army XTech 8 Competition
Awarded by US Department of Commerce MBDA
Women and Drones, Consumer Electronics Show
Winner of Voucher for testing at National Fuel Cell Research Center
Hydroplane is developing key energy storage technologies to bring emission free aviation to planet earth.
4549 William J. Barnes Rd. Lancaster, CA